Omakase Preserved

next day delivery


Generally meaning "I'll leave it up to you", the Omakase Preserved bouquet leaves the arrangement entirely to our professionals to put together. Surprise yourself and your gift recipient with a mystery floral bouquet that will leave both of you saying "Wow"! Delicately wrapped and arrangement, this omakase floral bouquet is an excellent Valentine's Day gift, Mother's Day gift, birthday gift or anniversary gift for her!


  • This item comes beautifully wrapped and includes a free personalised greeting card.
  • Delivery is free of charge & all re-deliveries are subject to an additional charge of SGD$20 per re-delivery.

Available Delivery Methods

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About Ana Hana Flower

From gorgeous flower bouquets to preserved floral glass domes and flower gift baskets, Giftano Flowers' handpicked and curated selection of flower gift sets makes the perfect gift for any occasion. Find the best flower gift ideas on with free next-day or same-day flower delivery!
514 Chai Chee Lane Singapore 469027

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