
same day delivery


Featuring an attractive blend of orange and red roses that mean passion and love respectively, this bouquet perfectly replicates a beautiful sunrise look. Surprise your loved one with this delightful bouquet to remind them of how beautiful they are, just like the sun as it blooms on the horizon. Let her know that she brightens up your day with this gorgeous bouquet, the perfect Valentine's Day gift, Mother's Day gift or birthday gift for her!

Availability of flowers are based on season. In an event where certain flowers are unavailable, we will replace them with flowers of a similar style and value. Rest assured that we will maintain the overall look and colour theme of the arrangement.


  • This item comes beautifully wrapped and includes a free personalized greeting card.
  • Same day delivery for orders before 12pm.
  • Delivery timing: 9am - 6pm
  • Delivery is free of charge & all re-deliveries are subject to an additional charge of SGD$20 per re-delivery.

Available Delivery Methods

Instant Delivery
Courier Delivery

About Mirage Flowers

Find the best floral gift ideas in Singapore with Giftano Flowers' handpicked and curated collection of flower bouquets and floral arrangements, inclusive of free next-day or same-day delivery.
6 Raffles Boulevard Parkroyal Collection Marina Bay, Level 4 Singapore 039594

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