20 Red Roses & Eucalyptus Bouquet
A timeless classic and the perfect expression of love, this romantic Bouquet of 20 Roses features 20 red roses surrounded by 2 stems of Eucalyptus leaves wrapped in elegant white fabric and secured with a classy red ribbon. This romantic bouquet comes with free same-day or next-day flower delivery and makes an excellent anniversary gift or Valentine's Day gift for her. The roses may be delivered in full bloom, semi-bloomed or bud stages to ensure that your flowers remain fresh for the most prolonged period. Your order will be delivered within the selected timeslot; however, in the rare event of delays due to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control, we assure you that you will be notified in advance.

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About Ferns N Petals Flowers
Featuring a carefully handpicked selection of stunning floral bouquets and flower gift sets curated by expert florists, find all of the best floral gifts in one place on Giftano.com.