Pastel Pink and Green Bouquet
The exquisite Pastel Pink and Green Bouquet is an excellent birthday gift, Mother's Day gift or anniversary gift for her! This stunning bouquet features 1 light pink gerbera, 1 light pink rose and 2 light pink spray roses beautifully paired with lush fillers like the green leather fern, eucalyptus and green song of Jamaica, all tastefully arranged in mint wrapper.
Refreshing and delightful to behold, this flower bouquet is a true celebration of lush beauty! The flowers may be delivered in full bloom, semi-bloomed or bud stages to ensure that they remain fresh for the most prolonged period. Available with free same-day or next-day delivery, your order will be delivered within the selected timeslot; however, in the rare event of delays due to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control, we assure you that you will be notified in advance.

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About Ferns N Petals Flowers
Featuring a carefully handpicked selection of stunning floral bouquets and flower gift sets curated by expert florists, find all of the best floral gifts in one place on