5 White Oriental Lilies Bouquet

same day delivery

Oriental lilies are a symbol of innocence, purity and rebirth. Available with same-day or next-day flower delivery, this floral bouquet makes a thoughtful last-minute housewarming gift, birthday gift or congratulatory gift for friends to celebrate a new milestone in their life. The Serene White Oriental Lilies Bouquet features 5 white Oriental Lilies with seasonal green fillers beautifully arranged in white wrapping paper and tied together with a green raffia string. The Serene White Oriental Lilies Bouquet may be delivered in full bloom, semi-bloomed or bud stages to ensure that your flowers remain fresh for the most prolonged period of time. Your order will be delivered within the selected timeslot; however, in the rare event of delays due to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control, we assure you that you will be notified in advance.

Available Delivery Methods

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Courier Delivery

About Ferns N Petals Flowers

Featuring a carefully handpicked selection of stunning floral bouquets and flower gift sets curated by expert florists, find all of the best floral gifts in one place on Giftano.com.
444 Tagore Industrial Avenue Singapore 787817

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