Best Beauty, Spa & Wellness Gifts in Singapore

Beauty, spa & wellness gifts are perfect for any occasion! From spa gift cards for her to massage gift vouchers for him or grooming experience gifts for friends & loved ones, find a list of all the best beauty, spa & wellness gifts in Singapore on Giftano!


` ); } const merchantDiv = (merchant, next = false) => { var mc_logo = merchant.logo || ""; var mc_main_image = merchant['logo-2'] || merchant.image; if(mc_logo=="" && merchant['logo-1']){ mc_logo = merchant['logo-1']; } if(mc_logo=="" && merchant['logo-2']){ mc_logo = merchant['logo-2']; } if(!="MC39IPAIQM" &&!="MC2M2FVINA" &&!="MCAQDLUV1Z" &&!="MC2RB1GB13" &&!="MCYZBDHPSB" &&!="MCGC1ZUBF7" &&!="MCEI6VQXIC"){ // encryp merchant id to base64 string var mcid = btoa(; var same = false; // find duplicate attribute mc in brand-card-outer then remove it if(next){ $(".brand-card-outer").each(function(){ if($(this).attr('mc')==mcid){ same = true; } }); } if(same){ return ''; } //check every class brand-card-outer have attribute mc return ( `
` ); }else{ return ''; } } const layout2 = (items, label)=>{ // draw layout2 var html_result = ''; if(items.length == 0){ html_result += '

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'; items = products.splice(0,6); } // loop products item var products_html = '
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`; if(products.length === items.length){ btnLoadAll = ''; } var type_layout = `
${ products_html } ${ btnLoadAll }
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merchantDiv(item) : productDiv(item)); // }); // $(window).lazyLoadXT(); // } // }) -->