Best Retail Gift Cards & Gifts in Singapore

Giftano picked out the best retail gift cards & gifts in Singapore that are perfect for any special occasion! Let your loved ones shop for everything their heart desires with retail gift cards from major departmental stores like TANGS to streetwear apparel from Nike Stores Singapore, or pick a thoughtful gift set for housewarming, birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries and more!


` ); } const merchantDiv = (merchant, next = false) => { var mc_logo = merchant.logo || ""; var mc_main_image = merchant['logo-2'] || merchant.image; if(mc_logo=="" && merchant['logo-1']){ mc_logo = merchant['logo-1']; } if(mc_logo=="" && merchant['logo-2']){ mc_logo = merchant['logo-2']; } if(!="MC39IPAIQM" &&!="MC2M2FVINA" &&!="MCAQDLUV1Z" &&!="MC2RB1GB13" &&!="MCYZBDHPSB" &&!="MCGC1ZUBF7" &&!="MCEI6VQXIC"){ // encryp merchant id to base64 string var mcid = btoa(; var same = false; // find duplicate attribute mc in brand-card-outer then remove it if(next){ $(".brand-card-outer").each(function(){ if($(this).attr('mc')==mcid){ same = true; } }); } if(same){ return ''; } //check every class brand-card-outer have attribute mc return ( `
` ); }else{ return ''; } } const layout2 = (items, label)=>{ // draw layout2 var html_result = ''; if(items.length == 0){ html_result += '

We\'re sorry. We cannot find any gift matches with your search criteria.

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'; items = products.splice(0,6); } // loop products item var products_html = '
'; if($("#txtKeyword").val()){ products_html += ``; } tempItemsNotLoaded = []; var itemsToShow = [...items]; if(showBy === 'brand'){ let arrMerchantId = []; let arrMerchant = []; for(let ii of items){ if(!arrMerchantId.includes({ arrMerchant.push(ii.merchant); arrMerchantId.push(; } } // console.log('merchant', arrMerchant) items = arrMerchant; } // if(items.length >= 12){ // tempItemsNotLoaded = items.slice(12); // itemsToShow = items.slice(0,12); // }else{ tempItemsNotLoaded = []; itemsToShow = items; // } itemsToShow.forEach(item => { products_html += (showBy === 'brand' ? merchantDiv(item) : productDiv(item)); }); products_html += '
'; let btnLoadAll = `

`; if(products.length === items.length){ btnLoadAll = ''; } var type_layout = `
${ products_html } ${ btnLoadAll }
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merchantDiv(item, true) : productDiv(item)); }); //append layout_2 with child class search-result-box $("#layout_2 > .search-result-box > .row").append(products_html); $(window).lazyLoadXT(); } const moveBack = () => { if(appHistory.length>1){ appHistory.pop(); let curr_state = appHistory[appHistory.length-1].state; $('[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', false); let arr_tag = ['type','category','occasion','to_whom']; arr_tag.forEach(tName => { if(curr_state[tName]){ curr_state[tName].forEach(tVal => { $('.checkbox-'+ tName +'[value=' + tVal + ']').prop('checked', true); $('.checkbox-'+ tName +'-modal[value=' + tVal + ']').prop('checked', true); }); } }); counterModal(); if(curr_state.budget){ sliderBudget.slider('setValue', curr_state.budget); sliderBudgetModal.slider('setValue', curr_state.budget); } render(false); } } // add to fix hiw modal $('a[data-target="#mdlHIW"]').click(function(){ $("#mdlHIW").modal('show'); }); function delay(callback, ms) { var timer = 0; return function() { var context = this, args = arguments; clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function () { callback.apply(context, args); }, ms || 0); }; } $("#txtKeyword").keyup(function(){ selected_url = ''; $("#scTopPage").slideUp(); render(); }); $("#btnClearCategory").click(function(){ $('.checkbox-category, .checkbox-category-modal').prop('checked', false); $('.checkbox-occasion, .checkbox-occasion-modal').prop('checked', false); $('[value=TAGSX24G7GN]').prop('checked', true); counterModal(); render(); $("#modalFilterCategory").modal('hide'); }); $("#btnClearToWhom").click(function(){ $(".checkbox-to_whom, .checkbox-to_whom-modal").prop('checked', false); $('[value=TAGSX24G7GN]').prop('checked', true); counterModal(); render(); $(this).closest('.dropdown-menu').parent().toggleClass('open'); }); $("#btnClearType").click(function(){ $(".checkbox-type, .checkbox-type-modal").prop('checked', false); $('[value=TAGSX24G7GN]').prop('checked', true); counterModal(); render(); $(this).closest('.dropdown-menu').parent().toggleClass('open'); }); $("#btnApplyToWhom, #btnApplyType, #btnApplyPrice").click(function(){ $(this).closest('.dropdown-menu').parent().toggleClass('open'); }); $("#btnApplyPrice").click(function(){ render(); }); $("#btnClearPrice").click(function(){ sliderBudget.slider('setValue',[productsMinPrice, productsMaxPrice]); sliderBudgetModal.slider('setValue',[productsMinPrice, productsMaxPrice]); $("#inputBudgetMin, #inputBudgetMinModal").val(productsMinPrice); $("#inputBudgetMax, #inputBudgetMaxModal").val(productsMaxPrice); render(); }); $("#btnKeyword").click(function(){ if($("#txtKeyword").val()){ $("#txtKeyword").val(''); selected_url = ''; render(); } }); // $(window).scroll(function(){ // let scrollY = window.scrollY; // let layoutEl = $('#layout_2'); // let needToLoadMorePos = (layoutEl.offset().top + layoutEl.outerHeight()) - window.outerHeight - 500; // if(scrollY >= needToLoadMorePos && tempItemsNotLoaded.length > 0){ // // load next 12 // let nextItems = tempItemsNotLoaded.slice(0, 12); // tempItemsNotLoaded = tempItemsNotLoaded.slice(12); // nextItems.forEach(item => { // $('#layout_2 > .search-result-box > .row').append(showBy === 'brand' ? merchantDiv(item) : productDiv(item)); // }); // $(window).lazyLoadXT(); // } // }) -->